I couldn’t orgasm

So I’ve been a virgin for a while, but my boyfriend for 10 months now and I had sex for the first time a couple months ago. Whoohoo!

Annnnywhoo-we had sex and he came but I didn’t. I figured I just wasn’t maybe aroused enough.

Soooooo we did it a few more times after that. Just to ya know- “test my theory”.

I was aroused and wet but I couldn’t cum. I started feeling frustrated. So I let him use my toy on me-nothing, tried eating me out-nothing, even different positions!

I started getting sexually frustrated-bc he was trying so hard to help me feel comfortable and help me orgasm. I just felt kinda broken. I figured it might have just been bc I wasn’t used to another person being there-maybe I was nervous?

I’m not sure. But any advice on what helps would be great! 🙏🏼😩 please help a girl out!


-sexually frustrated-