The hardest thing


The hardest thing for me has been to not compare my baby to others. I see other babies sleeping through the night and here within the last 2 weeks my good sleeper went from 6 hour stretches to waking up every hour and a half. I see all these other babies sleeping through the night from sleep training and I refuse to let me baby cry it out. I just won’t do it. But then I read those post that younger babies are sleeping longer. I know I have to avoid these and remind my self that my baby is it’s own baby. It’ll get better with sleeping. But for now she’s either teething or going through someone else. I guess this post is just a rant. I’m tired and exhausted. Hubby and I went out for dinner and left little one with mother in law. I put her down for the night before we left and expected her to be sleeping. Nope she’s wide awake waiting for me to put her back to sleep.