Might get some mixed views here.....

Would you sleep with someone who is "planning" on leaving their wife?

How about this. Would you wait to be with someone who is planning on leaving their wife.

I just wanna be clear here. I have not slept with a married man. However, my best guy friend who yes is married, has spent the past month telling me how much he loves me, regrets her, wants to marry me, wants to have sex with me, wants to move in together, wants to leave her and be with me. At one point he tried to kiss me and I pushed him right the fuck away. In doing so (pushing him away) I accidentally scratched his face. Yes. Aggressive. But I really meant no. I apologized for scratching him because I didnt mean to. But my first instinct was NO YOU ARE A MARRIED MAN BEST FRIEND OR NOT DONT COME AT ME LIKE THAT.

I guess my second question is the real question here. Would you wait to be with someone who is planning on leaving their wife? Is it appropriate to wait for someone to separate then divorce? Because that can be a long time. Not that I'm a hoe and bounce around from guy to guy. But as much as I care about my best friend, IDK if I want to wait hypothetically 2 years for a divorce to happen. A lot can happen in two years you know? He hasn't even started the divorce process yet. All he's done is Google the law on separation.

Should I wait for him? Or just keep living my life and keep dating and whatever?