

So I have a quick question and maybe some what of a rant. 😩

(I’m 36 weeks and 2 days today) So yesterday was my baby shower and I did kind of over work myself. I stayed on my feet all day long and noticed contractions here and there but was very distracted so I didn’t really think about it much. We left the baby shower and I started getting stronger contractions that would really get my attention and my back had started aching terribly to. I decided I would start timing my contractions and so I did and the were about 7 minutes apart give or take and we’re like maybe a 3 on the pain scale but still I decided to go in to the hospital because I live a whole hour away and this is my second baby. We arrived at the hospital and I got sent to labor and delivery so the check me and boom cervix is closed. The nurses at the hospital decided to hook me up and monitor me for about a hour and in that hour I had about 4 contractions that were pretty intense so they decided to monitor another 30 minutes and during that time I had 6 very intense contractions that were about 6-7 minutes apart. Anyways long story short the nurse comes and checks me and claims that these are not “real” contractions and I should go home and “relax” and take Tylenol and get rest. WHAAAAAT? I’m annoyed, in PAIN and still contracting. How long can you have contractions without your cervix opening?