Sex and UTI’s anyone else have this problem?

Cortney • With the most amazing man for almost 8 years, married for almost 3 years :) Found out New Years Eve we are pregnant :) what a great way to start off 2020!!

Sorry here comes a long rant on my years of suffering

So for as long as I can remember I get UTI’s almost every time I have sex. I have Gone to the dr I couldnt even tell you how many times about it. Done everything I have been told to do drink plenty of water drink a glass or two before sex, pee almost immediately afterwards, obviously stay clean in that area, wear cotton panties, drink water throughout the day to keep flushing everything out, cranberry juice (yuck) But still no luck. Same problem keeps happening I did find a cranberry vitamin 500mg and that I have to say has very significantly helped reduce the frequency of me getting them. I take one pill after sex and the next two mornings with my other vitamins and that has cut it down to probably once a month some times once every two months instead of 2 or 3 a month but still I just feel like a shouldnt be getting them even that often. My dr and my gynecologist have found no reason for why so often or what’s happening I have narrowed down a few specific sexual acts/positions that give me them and avoid those at all cost. Except when my husband seems to forget or gets a little to caught up and does it with out remember and gives me UTI like yesterday morning along with his sever cold, thanks honey 🙄 but I am so frustrated with this it affects my sex life, it affects my normal day to day life, my sleep, it affects my work life cause I’m sorry but your boss can only excuse so many bathroom breaks in one 1 hour period before it becomes ridiculous and who can focus in work when you have to pee every 3 mins. Does anyone else suffer from this and have any advice on how to prevent UTI’s that I’m not already doing?