Let’s talk Genetics - it saved my life & it could save yours!

Jo • 30 YO, BRCA2+, Breast Cancer Previvor

Hi I’m Jo - I’m 30 years old & BRCA 2+ (that’s short for the BReast CAncer gene).

Here’s the thing we’re all born with a magnitude of genes that unbeknownst to us serve an incredible purpose at varying times in our life. Turns out I’m missing the BRCA2 gene which Increases my lifetime risk of breast cancer was 86% - yikes!

All thanks to a quick conversation with my Dr about my strong family history of cancer I discovered I was eligible to take a genetic test. Off I went to have blood drawn and five weeks later I got the answer I’d always deep down known about myself - cancer does run in the family and now I have the evidence to prove it & even better than that I can do something about it!!

5 weeks ago I underwent preventative surgery and said goodbye to my risky tits which reduced my risk of breast cancer to below 4%.

Pretty awesome right!

I’m now in the process of reconstructing my boobies with temporary expanders making room for implants in a few months.

If you’ve got a strong family history of cancer I urge you to start those conversations with your Dr (I know it’s scary but knowledge is power & you’re not alone), if you know your genetic results and have questions hit me up or if you like me have taken those next steps I’d love to hear from you too!

🧬 Let’s talk genetics 🧬