What do i do

So i’m a 14 year old girl. My mom is a drug addict with no car and idek know if she’s done doing drugs tbh. She dates a lot of men and they sometimes abused me and my siblings I lived in a house full of kids and only had my mom and then my kinda dad. then my mom left him. She went down hill from there. Dated this one guy who’s now in prison and was always doing meth and beating us. I always had to care for my younger siblings because my older ones left the house and it was me and my younger siblings. I bathed them and got them ready for school, i cooked for them and watched them, i signed papers for them and gave them money and gave them my school supplies so they could go to school and not be embarrassed and have nothing and i just went to school with a notebook and pencils. My grandma looked out for us though, when we lived in a different town she would buy us groceries and buy us school clothes when we grew out of them. But my mom ex husband refused her from coming over to much. I tried to tell my mom to leave him and that he’s hurting us. He abused her and us kids, mostly me and my 6 year old sister. Eventually he went to prison and she didn’t see him anymore. We then went homeless and stayed in a shelter and then my uncles for a while. I always tried to be a good daughter for them and get good grades, and i did. I managed to get As and Bs and keep the house clean and babysit. But now i’m 14, i moved in with my grandma and my mom is with my sisters at my sorta dads house. (My sorta sad was with me for a long time when i was younger and i call him dad but we’re technically not related) My mom tried to force me to come back with her and be with her and i refused. I’m sick of being mistreated and i was finally happy for once at my grandmas. I told her i would come over on the wheedled but instead of saying okay she told me she disowns me and doesn’t love me. I refuse to talk to her now. Is that wrong of me?