I really need help

LO is almost 5 months. He has only slept 10 hrs a day for the past three days I thought he just had a cough and cold but now his breathings getting worse and worse. I need to walk around with him for a whole 2-3 hours to put him to sleep. He refuses to be placed down and the coughs really badly sometimes the coughing leads to vomiting really badly otherwise just him being in pain. I don’t know how to put him to sleep anymore so he can rest. This is only recently since he has had a cold.

I have literally never been so frustrated even since he was born I have had a rough pregnancy, birth and still have normal arthritis, post partum arthritis plus fibromyalgia but I still never get so frustrated with things as I do right now. I literally end up in tears out of exhaustion and frustration because he won’t sleep!

I cannot, literally CANNOT! Handle walking around for 2-3 hours every single night to put him to sleep. He used to be a good sleeper and sleep 6 or 7 hours now he hardly sleeps 1 or 2. I’m so helpless. I ask my hubby for help but he works 5 days a week and very early in the morning. He does what he can. I have no one else.

I don’t know how to make him sleep i have tried everything! Massaging his legs calms his crying down but nothing helps him sleep... Ive read articles upon articles, ive swaddled him unswaddled him, tilted his mattress, let him try and self sooth, sooth him, try feed him to sleep, try not to feed him to sleep give him his comforter, try without a comforter, try his cotbed or the next to me cot, tried my own bed, tried making him sleep on my chest cuddle him (only works for an hour and i have to be very very still), try bathing him and then feeding and sleep, ive tried the routine thing but every night its still difficult, reading him books, letting him be bored(not the adult way) music, humming.... and so on..


EDIT... FYI the main concern isn’t my lack of energy or whatever. The concern is that my child is NOT SLEEPING and is struggling to just breathe normally. His cough is so bad until it hurts and then he throws up anything hes had. Ive taken him to A&E twice this week and am currently writing this message from a hospital ward. So please. If you’re not gonna help at least don’t be so insensitive.


The Paediatrician sent us home and hes under further observation at home for 24 hours. When we were there he threw up all over just before we went in and when the doc came to see him he was that bad ... apparently it’s just cold ????? Can it be THIS intense? When he won’t stop coughing and struggle to breathe and vomit so much... if it starts again we can go back. Although doc also said maybe he’s also just super exhausted. I don’t know how the hell I can help him. The doc said “ maybe I just caught him at a gd time.”