Tomorrow is my due date

Ariel • 🤵👰 Mrs. MGR 5 January 2019 🤱 Mommy to MJR 2 October 2019 and ALMR October 2023 🤱

Tomorrow was supposed to be my due date, but my daughter will be 3 weeks old on Wednesday. I am so happy she's here and couldn't trade her for the world, but I also have some mixed emotions. I REALLY liked being pregnant. I know not everyone does, but I did. I had to be induced at 37 weeks due to health concerns (we found out after that was decided that she was measuring 4 weeks ahead as well). Like I said, she is the greatest thing that ever happened to me and I wouldn't change her being here and healthy for anything in the world, but a little part of me also feels kind of like I was jipped out of the rest of my pregnancy experience with her. I love my baby more than my own life, but part of me really really misses being pregnant.

Just some thoughts as we head to bed tonight.