Family nonsense and now this


So I’ve been anxious about traveling to see some family on my husbands side because his sister is super rude and a few months ago his niece started some drama (that I was not part of ) that resulted in my sister in law telling me to keep myself in NY.

Fast forward to now and we came to see my mother in law so she could meet the baby. I told my husband I will not be rude to them but I’m also not going to go out of my way to be nice to a person who is rude to me.

So yesterday was our first full day here and my husband has already threatened to leave early. My daughter 4 months didn’t nap a lot yesterday so between meeting new people and the new everything she was getting cranky so I said I was taking her for a walk, when I go outside my niece who started all the drama is out there so I continue doing what I’m doing and take my daughter for a walk in hope that she’ll calm down and sleep...oh jeez...

This woman called her mom said I wouldn’t let her see the baby. Blah blah blah in the mean time my mother in law invited her to come with us to the mall and she declined twice. So my sister in law jus now saying I have an attitude, I’m rude....even though I came here didn’t I, I was trying to go do stuff despite not wanting to be around you right and I wasn’t avoiding your daughter who is a drama starting brat I was trying to get my LO to sleep 🤦🏻‍♀️

On top of all of that I have to have my husband tell his mom she can’t touch the baby. She has a giant cold sore and so she said she wouldn’t hold the baby-okay- so she touched her cheek a few times but then I see her absent mindfully touching the cold sore. I don’t wanna be rude but I can’t have her touching it then touching the babies face or hands ya know. I kinda feel bad because it’s her first time meeting her but gotta be safe....bleh more wine please