What would you have done??



My 7 month old (tomorrow) usually has 3 naps per day and goes to bed at 7.

He has wake windows of roughly two hours.

However, he started getting a little cranky after only an hour of being awake so I thought I’d try another nap and he fell asleep in less than 5 minutes!

Would you have waited the extra hour or would you do these 4 naps instead of normal 3? I don’t know if his night sleep will be messed up or he really did need this extra nap.

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I never really know the right call. If she is acting super sleepy, I let her sleep. Unless it is after 5PM.


Chelsea • Oct 21, 2019


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Baby probably needed the extra nap. My son usually will take an extra nap right away 30min after he wakes.


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If baby is tired and needs to sleep i let baby sleep


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I probably would have tried to keep him awake if it was before the first nap of the day- around 2 months I struggled HARD with early morning wake ups which in our case was caused by not getting a full awake period in before nap #1. 1 time having an early nap wont hurt anything though 😊


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4 only because mine gets suuuper cranky. I still but him to bed at the same time though.


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Unless it’s after 5:30pm, I’ll let my LO fall asleep if they’re showing tired signs. I figure their body is telling them they need some rest, even if it throws off their nap schedule for that day. We can always try again the next day! If they’re going through a growth spurt or new developmental breakthrough, it might cause their schedule to be a little off for a few days.


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What time did he wake up in the morning? I find that it my LO had less than 10 hour stretch at night by waking early, he gets tired right after breakfast and can’t make his usual stretch of 2.5 hours.