I almost 28 weeks pregnant and i just needed a little advice...

Is pregnancy depression a thing?

with my first pregnancy i felt weird towards the end. Anxious, sad, mad. but i blammed it on hormones, after my baby was born i had postpartum depression horribly it got really bad..and ive always felt maybe i had some depression during pregnancy too. I got through that and life went back to normal🙂

With my current pregnancy i can feel that same feeling coming back. Its like i almost have NO joy. Im so excited for our new baby (he was planned!) but in some weird way i cant express it😔..I find myself more and more sad. More angry. I have 2 kids 4 and 1 and i find myself yelling at them more and more or just absolutely annoyed with them. I just want to say im not a bad mother.🚫 I love my kids! And i would never hurt my kids. I just dont understand whats happening to me. I was never like this...except when i had PPD. I feel no motivation to clean, cook, help with the kids. Nothing. I have always done everything because I'm a stay at home mommy and ive never had a problem with that! Thats what my days were made of cooking, cleaning and chasing around my little rugrats 🥰 but my mind has done a total flip.

I come to my bedroom to cry because i feel like an outsider to my own body. How could i NOT know whats wrong with my own mind, my own body. How could you have PPD and still be pregnant? Why do i feel like this. I just want to be happy! I dont want my kids to be afraid of me. Sometimes i lose it and just scream and the look on their face breaks my soul..💔💔 im so worried this will get worse after the baby is born..

What can i do to help this. Im so scared to talk to my dr... can you even take antidepressants while pregnant? I feel like the worst mother ever. The worst wife ever. Im scared because i have this depression child services will be called on me. Or i would be seen as just crazy. 😞