Baby daddy wants to come back

Im single mother of 4 i was in a relationship 3 years ago with my baby daddy for 8 years. We called it quits bc he was more into partying, drinking, cheating, it was always his family cousins, brothers, Omg and the MOM🤦 etc...

Now its been 3 years later and he wants to "come back" i notice he stop drinking bc it was a everyday thing. Now he wants to spend more time with the kids and i.

Im just not sure if thats what i want now i mean i did when we were together but now since time has passed i dont feel the same way about the relationship i kinda stop caring. I feel a guilt inside bc everything i ask b4 he does it now without asking me. Its always baby do you need money, grocery, what bills do you need to pay, do u need more help with the kids, i want to take u guys out to eat during the week day when b4 it wasn't like that.

The man has bagged me on his knees at restaurant hes cryed to me saying he wants his family back and i feel so bad bc im unsure if i still want to be with him. Of course i want my family back but idk if im still in love with him🤔😔😔 i do care about him but i doesn't feel the same anymore. My kids are so happy when we spent time together again and im just like why are we spending time together if idk if this is what i want.

Even when he hugs me or trys to give me a kiss it doesn't feel the same

Any advice?