What causes the onset of debilitating irrational fears?


I am 25 years old, with a 1.5 year old. My husband works two weeks a month away from home, and it is just my daughter and I and the pets at home.

Growing up, I always had a fear of windows in the dark, a fear I *think* I can relate to a Halloween incident when I was about 6 years old. But it has always stuck with me, and I am terrified of windows in the dark even now. But that is the only fear I ever remember having, until recently.

In about the past two years, I have developed many many many fears that I can’t rationally explain to anyone, or myself. I’m afraid of:

-Using the stove or oven when it’s just me and my daughter in the house

-the outside door in my bathroom somehow unlocking and an intruder coming in (even though I never unlock/use that door)

-leaving the house at night

-a random fire starting in my house, which causes me to not use the heater unless absolutely necessary, for my daughters sake

-the bathroom door locking while I’m peeing and not being able to get out, so I leave the bathroom door open, always

-falling asleep at night and something happening to my daughter and me not hearing her, so I usually end up staying up until 2 in the morning and eventually being so exhausted that I fall asleep

-crashing my car, or someone crashing into me, so I usually only go to the necessary places (walmart, getting food, etc)

-and there are so much more, this is just a small example to give perspective.

It seems to me that these could all be possibly related to being alone with my daughter for two weeks at a time, because when my husband is home the fears are lessened, but still there. But there’s no way to have my husband home all the time, and I’m so tired of living the way I am. What can I do to help myself not be so afraid of every little thing?