Absolutely No Signs

Kaye • Baby Robert Todd was born Oct. 28th, 2019!

Don't know if this is a rant or not. Lol. Just wanted to talk/share with my fellow mommas my recent thoughts and experiences.

So, I'm having a c-section on the 31st. Which I'm happy about. It's the right choice for me, but I'm a little sad I mostly won't experience my water breaking or that "I'm in labor!" Moment. Everyone says that it can still happen, but I'm pretty sure my child is perfectly content inside my belly. He is still head up, I haven't had Braxton hicks, haven't had any sign of my mucus plug coming out, or anything else that may suggest labor is near. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't getting a c-section, my little man would probably bake till 41 - 42 weeks.

Friday my doctor sent me to L&D because my blood pressure was high. They monitored my blood pressure a couple of hours, did blood work, and did an ultrasound. My blood work was perfect and my little man showed off for the ultrasound technician. It was the most active he has ever been for an ultrasound. She was able to see that all of his organs are fully formed, his chest was rising/falling (practice breaths), and his measurements were perfect. I'm so glad he is okay and doing well. My doctor released me and placed me on bedrest. It was a little sad leaving L&D without a baby. Especially after seeing/hearing the other mothers come in to have their babies. I know I just need to be patient. The 31st will be here before I know it, but right now it feels like an eternity.