Well Wednesday is our day... Update: Birth Story


40 weeks 3 days today

Baby girl is taking her time to come

Shes measuring on the big side so Dr decided to induce on Wednesday night

But I've been having contractions all day today... hopefully she surprises us on her own🙏🏼💕

Anyways any other mamas out there getting induced this week? Or have been induced and want to share their experience I would love to hear from you all

P.s. this is my second girl and my first was late too 41 weeks

⚠️Update 10/24 12am

Well I am admitted and hooked up to the monitors IV is in and they just gave me a pill orally to soften my cervix.. not even at 1 cm dilated ... contractions are coming closer after the membrane swept... hopefully that helps and this baby surprises us... in about 4 hours will get the second half of the pill inserted vaginally... hopefully things pick up and baby comes soon... 🙏🏼🙏🏼

⚠️Update 8:43am

Well after they gave me the pill orally to soften my cervix baby reacted negative to it and her heartrate kept dipping really bad. At one point baby stopped breathing so all the nurses stormed in at once and started telling me to change positions and whatnot...thank God her heartrate came back up 🙌🏼

This was around 1am... now at this moment they just hooked up the pitocin... may God give me the strength💪🏼🙏🏼... before the pitocin they were going to inster the balloon but thank God doctor checked me and I went from 1cm to almost 4cm so there was no need for the balloon 🙌🏼🙌🏼...

⚠️Update 11:05 p.m.

So what we thought was going to be a smooth labor turned out to be a nightmare 😔 shortly after I started in pitocin... baby's heartbeat dropped and she had no heartbeat for a few minutes... they rushed me into an emergency csection and was put down to sleep completely... woke up in excruciating pain with no pain meds yet... the Drs were taking their time to approve the meds... thank God they did though... baby is good now just breathing fast and in observation for now. Please help me pray for her health 🙏🏼🙏🏼