Laboured on my own in the hospital😩 *UPDATED*


I'm so very late with writing my birth story but you know how it is 😂🤷‍♀️

My waters went on my due date was the 4th of August but I wasn't having any contractions. I went in to hospital where I was hooked on a monitor and checked to see if my waters had definitely gone (which they had) then was told that they wanted me to stay on the ward that night ready for induction at 9am the next morning.

My SO and I went for food and a walk whilst we waited for them to sort my bed and the paper work and I finally got admitted at 4pm. My family was so excited they all came to visit even though nothing was really happening minus me leaking amniotic fluid 😂😂

Later that night when everybody had left including my husband (couldn't have anyone staying on the ward) I relaxed for the night whilst I could knowing that the next day would be a long day. My sister was texting me around 9pm asking how I was doing and it makes me laugh now to say I text back saying I felt great and was watching netflix and gonna get an early night. Fast forward to 2 hours later, I had a little belly ache like I needed to go to the toilet so I went then came back to my bed only to feel like I had to go again, I walked back to the toilet again and whilst in there felt my first real contraction. And that first contraction felt just as bad as my last, there was no build up, no minor period pain feeling and getting progressively worse, just hit with intense contractions.

I had 4 contractions 10 minutes apart so I knew I had a while but after those 4 contractions, they went to 4 minutes apart then from 1:30am were every 2 minutes back to back. All whilst this was happening I was on a ward with 3 other women (not in labour and all waiting to be induced the next morning) and had no birthing partner to help me deal with the pain which was scary because this was my first baby! I was given paracetamol (joke right?) and told to try a bath which was nice but didn't help the pain.

I was checked and monitored and was told I was only 2cm even though I was still having contractions ever 2 minutes🙄🙄 eventually at around 5:30am they moved me into my own room which was still on the antenatal ward because they had no space on the delivery ward for me yet. My husband and mum were then allowed to come and I was told I was at 3cm at around 6:30am. By this point I had paracetamol and codeine which didn't help at all and had tried gas and air which just made me feel sick so I didn't use it. I was exhausted by this point that I was falling asleep inbetween contractions and I woke up to 2 women at the end of my bed saying they had been watching my contractions on the monitor and wanted to offer me some pain relief as they were quite intense. They gave me pephadine and an anti-sickness Injection, the pephadine didn't help the pain at all but just made me feel so drowsy and still made me throw up 🤷‍♀️

It was 20 past 9 by the time I got to my delivery suite and I told my mum I needed to go to the toilet. She came in with me and realised that I didn't need the toilet but I was actually pushing. The midwife checked me and I was fully dilated. I'd gone from 3cm to 10cm in 3 hours. Although I was fully dilated, I was told I had to wait an hour to push because it helps baby move down the birthing canal naturally there's less chance of intervention that way.

Finally after what felt like an eternity, it was 10:20am on the 5th of August and I was able to start pushing.

At 11:11am my baby boy was born and he's the most perfect little human I could have ever wished for.

I experienced no tearing or intervention and after an hour of skin to skin contact, I was able to get up and get a shower without any pain. I was very lucky and I'm so very blessed to have my little man here with me😩😍💙

Picture from the day he was born and now, the most perfect little boy💙


We just want to say a huge thank you for all your kind comments and responses, I've loved reading them and responding! ❤️ Me and my chunk now at nearly 3 months old❤️