Beatrice “Birdie” is here!

Alexis • Louella born at 38w5d on 10/30/17 : Birdie born at 40w3d on 10/17/19

I had my first 2 years ago. It was a tough labor and lasted 20 hours. She was big at 9lb2oz and came 10 days early after weeks of prodromal labor.

With my second my OB monitored me closely towards the end since we were preparing for another big baby, and we thought I’d go early again.

She didn’t want me to go past 40 weeks, so at my 40 week appointment she checked my cervix and I was the same i’d been since 38 weeks: 2cm, 80% effaced, baby very low. So we set an induction date for 2 days later. I wasn’t thrilled about being induced, there’s something very exciting about spontaneous labor and I was hoping to have that experience again. It felt very “medical” and procedural to go in for an induction. However, it was nice to have time to prepare the house, have my mom have time to arrange travel to help care for our toddler, and my sister even requested off work to be there and help as well. We still tried to get labor going with all of the old methods, and walked 2 miles at the zoo on Tuesday!

Nothing worked, and on Weds night at 10pm after a good Thai takeout dinner with everyone and after putting our daughter to bed, we left for the hospital and stopped on the way to get treats for the nurses. It was cute to have one more errand to run with my husband while pregnant.

We checked into the hospital and were in our room by 11pm. They started my IV for penicillin, fluids, and pitocin and checked my cervix (still the same). I also had the belly monitors and a blood pressure cuff since pitocin can cause high BP. So I had wires everywhere- if you’re induced, be prepared to be uncomfortable and unable to sleep. I wish I had known the procedure better so that I could have brought more activities! I was bored and had wires all over. Getting up to pee was a hassle.

It was a long night with minor contractions every 3 minutes. Not painful and didn’t feel like they were progressing me much.

At 7am my OB came to do her rounds and decided to break my water. I knew from my first that once my water was broken things moved very quickly and i told the nurse the same.

As soon as my water was broken baby dropped down (the heart rate monitor was basically on my vagina!) and every contraction for more painful and closer together. I started having the back labor symptoms i had with my first where pain didn’t go away between contractions and I was exhausted. At 8am I asked for the epidural and it was placed by 8:30! Very quick! The epidural doesn’t hurt- they wash your back with iodine, the numbing meds sting for a second or two, and then you feel pressure from the catheter. That only takes a minute and then it’s done. The hardest part is breathing through contractions while it’s being placed, as mine were barely 2 minutes apart at this point.

I was numbed quickly and could still feel pressure which I liked, because i couldn’t feel a thing with my first and it made me feel less involved with the labor.

At 9am my mom arrived and she and my husband were busy keeping me cooled off with ice packs and ice chips to chew on.

At 10am I started feeling a lot of pressure with each contraction and I let them know, the nurse checked and I was 8cm. 2-8 in just 3 hours! They started getting the room ready and said to let them know if I felt like pushing or pooping.

I was elated as it had been SO easy, I was just hanging out and chatting and wasn’t nauseous or in pain, but still able to be aware of contractions and pressure. We were watching Fixer Upper and hanging out, one of my friends came by to check in me and brought snacks and coffees. Lifesaver!

At 11am they checked as I was starting to feel pressure that made me feel like I had to get off of my butt because she was pushing down so hard. I was 10cm! She said baby still needed to drop a bit but she noticed my OB and said to call her if I felt like pushing.

Contractions were now every 90seconds and intense, no pain but so much pressure and I was getting so exhausted between I wanted to sleep. I started feeling a different pressure - like I wanted to push but wasn’t sure, but definitely couldn’t sit, I kept leaning up and off of my butt (I labored sitting up, helps baby drop! And I was still able to move my legs a bit, so I leaned to the side and picked myself up a bit with each contraction).

It felt like forever but finally my doctor came in just before noon and had me start pushing with contractions immediately, as I was starting to be able to feel them and felt nauseous with the pain/pressure. I felt all of it, the ring of fire, the tearing (2nd degree) and the intense sensation of having a massive poop! I felt it ALL and it was amazing. It made me work more efficiently and really work with my body to get her out. My sister had arrived by now and she along with my husband and mom were helping hold my legs and head as I was so exhausted. BUT: just 11 minutes of pushing and my 9lb6.6oz big baby girl was OUT in a flash! My first took 25 minutes of pushing and she was 9lb2oz, so my OB’s joke is that I just keep trying to beat my best time. 😂

Recovery has been MUCH easier this time. Less pain and swelling, I was in labor for far less time so I think that helped. I also was more prepared and I think that also helps. Milk coming in today and it hurts but totally manageable! Sleeping is still not happening so we’re exhausted but so happy, and my toddler is so excited about her baby sister. Induction ended up being a great experience!