Not telling mother in law in delivering??

So I’m due Wednesday and my doctor said I could chose in induction date tomorrow if I’d like! Yay! But my husbands mom wants to know when I’m delivering so she can come to the hospital.. I’m not gonna let her in the room and I’ve been told if I’m induced it can take up too 5 days for a first mom to even deliver when induced. She wants to take that day off and go to the hospital for the induction but I see there’s no point expessuly when I’m not letting her in the room, I don’t even wanna tell her because I know she’ll message me every 5 min asking how I’m doing and what’s going on. I don’t wanna be a bitch but she can stress me out so much even when she knows people have stuff there doing that’s important she will sit there and complain about what’s wrong with her life and she will tell you over and over every 10 min. I went on a vacation with them in Recently and the hole car ride there and back she was complaining about everything constantly even when I told her it was stressing me out more I ended up having an panic attack on the way home because she wouldn’t stop and I was shaking and couldn’t breath and I know she’d do the same thing while I’m delivering and I don’t wanna deal with stress on top of delivering. Am I horrible for not wanting to tell him I’m in labor? Or being induced?

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