

So obviously I’m with my daughter more than my husband is which makes her more attached to me. But here lately she looses it if I leave the room, walk away from her etc...she will barely let my husband do anything with her when he gets home from work. We try to do it to where he takes care of her one night than I do, we switch every other night that way she gets use to him as well. But lately she cries and screams u til she gets me, she will cry so hard nothing is calming her down besides me and she will cry so hard to the point where she isn’t breathing. Sometimes I just need a break and want him to do it but she doesn’t let him. I know she’s going through a leap and she’s also been sick and teething which doesn’t help but I feel so quilty when I walk away and she starts crying and screaming. Sometimes I just want to take a shower and she sees me walk away and she starts crying. I feel bad for saying I need a break but it’s the truth, I also feel her and my husband need as much time together as possible to build that bond since they aren’t together as much as me and her are. Idk how to help her with this or is this just a phase? If it’s a phase it’s been going on forever! When will it stop. Anyone else experience this and if so how did you manage?