Mil issues...what to do!


So my mil is always calling always wanting to stop by. Now I don’t mind as long as it’s not during nap time. When my little one misses a nap it’s just a disaster! Well today mil shows up right before nap time. She comes in smelling of pot, she held the baby who then smelled of pot. That smell gives me horrible migraines by the time she left I was close to throwing up! Every time she shows up she questions if the baby has been switched to a bottle yet. I’m breastfeeding, it’s going well she’s gaining weight she eats just fine! Still she has been wanting her off the breast since she was born and on a bottle! Then she always asks why she’s not on baby cereal, she’s been asking that since she was 2 weeks old. I told my SO who said he’d call her and talk to her then he text me back saying he doesn’t know what to do. I get it he’s a mamas boy and doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. I told him don’t worry if it happens I’ll voice my opinion because I’m sick of it. She gives this look every time I tell her no she doesn’t take bottles, this look of it’s time to give her bottles. She’s four months old. Need to find a nice way of telling her to please only come over when your son is here because I just can’t deal with your thoughts! Lol sorry for the rant!