28 hot 🤬


So if anybody know me they know that I’m very quiet/shy nonchalant and my mother have been dealing with this fucking man for years, he fought her in front of use when we was younger but of course me and my siblings jumped him and fought him with everything’s we had for fighting our mother, so she ended things with him we haven’t seen him in year and my mother found somebody new that we all love and cared about who I call my stepdad and he seen us grow into the people we are now and my nieces and nephews call him papa and that who they see as they grandad. So ig things didn’t go well with my mom and my stepdad so he left but she still kept in touch well all of us did and for some reason I started to see the man I hated for years the man Me and my siblings couldn’t stand for shit none of my nieces and nephews don’t like him except fot one of my nieces she not really my niece cause it’s not my brother baby, but we still took her in as ours, and the reason she like him so much is because she wasn’t around when my stepfather and the spawn ima going to call him that cause that what he is spoil her and thats the only one he can manipulate in liking him he don’t even treat his one grandkids like he treat my niece let alone see them it’s sad and pathetic!!! He use my niece to call my mom and be around her and aggravate and put stress on her. He have a very negative vibe about him, my grandmother don’t even like him and she’s a Christian and she prophesied that my mother and my stepdad that was going to get back together and she said that to my stepdad too and he stated smiling hell I even stared smiling and I got really happy cause he made my mother happy and that’s all I wanted to see , my grandma even told her that the spawn wasn’t for her and she dislike him too and before she passed she said Her and my stepdad was going to get back together one day. The spawn started to show up more and more and everytime he walks in the door no one speak to him and the whole vibe change when he’s around and everybody feel it that’s why my sister and brother leave when he around cause who want to feel that NOBODY. So today he came over like he always do and follow my niece around like a puppy being so loud and annoying so my niece came in the living cause she wanted something to drink in her cup so I told her to let me see the cup and I tryed to grab it and the dramatic person that she is she stated to scream and he he came in the living room like somebody had killed her and stared yelling at me talking about” WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER YOU DID SOMETHING TO HER” now everybody know my niece is very dramatic and wine and scream if she hungry or tired when he stated yelling at me lord must’ve had my tongue cause, I was about to tell him off I’ve been waiting on him to say something to me but it was like something was holding me back from cursing him out the only thing I said to him was I didn’t do nothing to her and explain why she was crying then he stated yelling at my mother and said “IM JUST FINNA GET OUT THIS MF” and slammed the door u don’t know how many things i wanted to say to him the evil thoughts was running in my head, I really hate him with a passion and I know hate is a strong word but that’s the way I feel about this man next time i see him it’s not going to be pretty at all cause i held my tongue for too long I really been itching to go tf off and it’s time for me to speak up and let everything I gotta say out I’m currently 31 weeks pregnant not taking shit from nobody anymore I’m finna be a mother and gotta defend myself when feel threatened by anyone!!! And thank you who read it all I really needed to vent .