Never thought I would find my husband here...


In kindergarten I met a boy who I thought was cute, but I just had no idea how he would impact my life one day....

after high school we reconnected via Facebook. I messaged him something along the lines of “ur hot” and the rest was history! (Don’t judge my flirting skills, they are non existent people.)

After about a month or two of hanging out we started dating.

And now we have been married for almost 2 years.

After recently having a miscarriage I can honestly say it has showed us new emotions, thoughts and feelings. It’s been about a month and not a day goes by I don’t think or talk about having a miscarriage.

When you imagine your life with someone, you rarely think of the hardships in life. During times of sadness it seems like life is against you in every way.

Life is ever changing.

But one thing stays the same...

Our love for each other.

So this fall we don’t have the joy of welcoming a new life into the world.

We do however have the luxury of celebrating the love we are able to show each other. In times like this it is when we are able to count our blessings, rather than our sorrows.

I found my husband, but a lot of times it feels like he found me.

EDIT: WOW!! thank you guys for the outpouring of positive comments❤️ what an awesome group of peeps we have on this app.