
Everyone keeps shaming me for taking Zofran. But I’m not sure what else to do, I’ve tried so much. Every single food item I attempt to eat makes my stomach turn. I mean literally anything. It could be sweet and ill still get sick and can’t eat it, it could be savory and I still cannot eat it without feeling sick. I took Zofran the whole time I was pregnant with my first baby and she turned out great. But I also didn’t start taking it til 9-11 weeks. This time around I’ve started at 7 close to 8.. however it’s not everyday either. With her it was everyday. I’m just feeling bad. :( I don’t know what to do. I can barely take care of my child daily because of all of this. Because if I make her food I get super sick. Anyone out there who took Zofran from 7 weeks on and their babies turn out okay?