My dear friend,

I’m so happy for you and your pregnancy, I promise. But please let me have a moment to grieve. Because in two short weeks I should be celebrating my Angel Babies second birthday. And even though I’m so happy for you, a part of me will always grieve and hurt as I watch you enjoy these moments.

Sometimes it is painful to watch you go through the things I had to miss. Sometimes I can’t help but to lie awake at night and just cry after seeing your pictures of your pregnancy. And yes, part of me envies you and your pregnancy.

But I pray every day that you never have to feel what I felt. I pray you never have to go through the pain of having all your dreams crushed by the words “there’s no heartbeat”.

So please understand, I still hurt and grieve. But I am so happy for you and excited to watch your family grow. I still love you and your baby. And that... that won’t ever change.