When did it become "real" for you? FTM wondering...


I got my first positive test on Thursday, October 17, but it was on a cheap test and was very very faint so I didn't really believe it. I bought different tests and tested the next morning and both were positive! My husband held me while I sobbed and sobbed all over him. I was a complete snotty mess of happiness.

We saw both our families that weekend and didn't say a thing. I wanted it to just be ours for the weekend. My first doctors appointment is tomorrow, October 23 and I'll be 5w at that point. I also wanted to wait a until after the appointment to tell our families.

Maybe I'm feeling "this can't be real" because it's my first pregnancy, or because we haven't told anyone yet. I don't have many symptoms yet (just tired, peeing constantly, and really hot at night) so that may have something to do with it too.

So my question to all of you is:

When did it first hit you/feel real that you were pregnant and going to be parents?