Crying spell last night

To keep the story as short as possible, I have a niece who is 6 months old (husbands side) and I absolutely adore her. When she was about a month old someone was handing her to me and I almost dropped her. Scared me to death and my husbands whole family who was watching. Well last night, we were at his family’s house for my sister in laws bday. I was handed my niece and my s-I-l asked me to feed her. In front of about 10 family members I said “I don’t know how” because very honestly I didn’t and didn’t want to make a fool of myself in front of everyone. She showed me how and I fed her but I started tearing up while doing it because all eyes were on me when I said that and while feeding. I was so embarrassed mainly because in just a few months I’m going to be a mom. I went in the back room and just cried. My husband’s grandma even made a comment saying “you’re doing a better job than last time at holding her”

I haven’t been around babies in forever. I love them but I’m not great with other people’s babies mainly because I don’t have experience.

I know I will be a great mom because I already love my future boy so much, but wow last night really tore confidence.

Sorry, story over!