Teaching him a lesson


My fiance is getting over his cold so it's been hard not having any help with the LO. He's self employed and stressed out from not getting needed employees and says it's not moving forward as it should be. Ok I get that and encourage him that setbacks are part of the deal. But he thinks I have it easy being at home by saying so himself...there were 2 occasions where he acknowledged how tough it can be for me though. My LO wasn't having it with her night sleep, I gave her colic drops and left her with her dad while he was watching TV. Went and did the bed. He had no choice but take her and walk around. She got fussy, crying and after 10min leaving her with him, he was sitting on the couch with her facing the TV in hopes she'll stop. I took her and he got so mad he turned everything off but wouldn't say why. Maybe now he'll see it's not a walk in the park but it's expected of me to keep my cool because I'm the mother and suck it up. Was I wrong for trying to teach him a lesson?