Antiphospholipid Syndrome


So I’ve had 2 miscarriages within the last year and a chemical pregnancy. My doctor sent me for blood work to figure out what was going on, and my testing came back positive for Antiphospholipid Syndrome. My doctor wants to send me for more blood work in 3 months.

A little bit of a back story, I had a D&C on September 2nd, I hadn’t gotten my period back come the beginning of October so I took a pregnancy test and there was a faint line. A few days later I got my period so I went a did my blood work. My doctor thinks I might of had an early pregnancy loss which could of resulted in a false positive. I’m just not really sure what to think here as some people have said they have gotten diagnosed while pregnant. I guess I’m just curious if we should continue trying to get pregnant in the meantime? Or if we should be waiting to get the second round of testing done. It’s super discouraging and I just want to add to our family 😥 any advice/input would be appreciated. My doctor didn’t give me much information.