Semen Analysis?

Jenna • Happy Wife. TTC baby #1. 2020, bring on the baby dust!

So my husband and I want a child really bad. Ive gone through the steps to check and make sure my lady parts are in good shape for conceiving. Ultrasound was good and HSG shows that my left tube is blocked, but OB says you can still conceive with one unblocked tube. My OB gave us a referral for my husband to get a semen analysis, but he’s worried about doing it because he hasn’t met his insurance deductible, at least that’s what he tells me he’s worried about. I know he wants to be a father, especially since he’s 34 (I’m 26) and he talks about wanting children all the time. I just think he’s embarrassed and scared that his swimmers aren’t at a normal level. He’s a diabetic and has taken good care of himself, but I just don’t know what to do to make him comfortable about doing the semen analysis. Did anyone else have trouble with their SO getting checked?