Birth control options? Please read!


In 2016 I had a Skyla IUD inserted and had to be removed due to misplacement, then I had Kylena inserted. Last Thursday I woke up with extreme pelvic pain and assumed that my IUD had shifted, again. One trip to the ER later and turns out I was right, and had it removed the same day.

I am extremely sensitive to everything, especially hormones, I’ve dealt with extreme anxiety, depression, and PTSD and I would hate to lose all the work I’ve done to better those over a new birth control. I have considered Nexplanon but I feel that the hormone dose would be too high for me. PLEASE reply with any ideas/suggestions you have for me to talk to my doctor about, thank you.

***THESE WERE DONE BY DIFFERENT DOCTORS, one was even placed with someone using ultrasound to guide to determine exact placement, my body just does not want an IUD in it***