Gender disappointment?


Ladies, I'm at a lose. I had my anatomy ultrasound at 19 weeks and asked the tech if she could tell me the gender. By that point we were 20 minutes in and she said she would if she saw it and put it in an envelope.

After the ultrasound was done she gave me one picture in an envelope and I opened it to check for the gender, but it wasn't in there. So I asked her about it and she said she forgot and would bring it right out.

Anyways I open the envelope in the car with my husband and was disappointed when I saw 'Girl'. I started crying. I know that sounds bad but I always wanted a boy and my first is a girl so I was hoping this time around would be different because after this one, I think we're done having kids. I feel so off and have this werid gut feeling it's a boy. I asked my midwife if I could have another ultrasound and she said yes. So the next one is in a couple weeks.

As much as I'm hoping for other results, I'm grateful that I have a healthy baby and will love the baby no matter what. Anyways just wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation? Have you been told you would be having a specific gender and then been told it will be the opposite?