Early labor


Hey ladies! So last night around 9:30 I began having tightenings thar included a abd cramping feeling and some back pain, about 15-20 apart. By the time we went to bed around 11, I was feeling the need to close my eyes and breathe intentionally though it. Over night I slept on and off through it, occasionally waking up to another contraction until about 3:30 when I couldnt sleep anymore. As I timed them, they were progressively getting closer, 14, 13, 12 mins apart. I got up to take a shower around 5. I had cramping and back pain in the shower, but nothing that I could have timed. I wiped some bloody show. I laid back down and had another contraction, so over a half hour after the last. Now I am up and around and notice a bit of tightening and cramping, but not nearly as distinct and obvious as when I'm laying down. Normal for early labor or is my body tricking me? Trying to decide what to have my husband do with work