Should I get a divorce? Comment pls


My husband and I got together August 2018. Ever since the beginning of our relationship, he has been very close with a few female friends and talked to them on a regular basis. I didn’t have a problem with that. So then it turned into adding girls on social media, liking their pics on Facebook and Instagram, and overall just giving them attention. I still didn’t get overly jealous and snap or anything. Well I caught him talking to his ex girlfriend on the phone for 1 hour, and told him that all the females had to stop. Well weeks went by and I found out that he hadn’t stopped with the girls. So I told him, it’s me or them. I’m done being in competition for your attention and affection. My first question is

1.) Am I being jealous that he is liking and talking to females?

2.) Am I in the wrong?

He explained to me that he had friends from high school and that it wasn’t “like that”. He posted about my all over his social media, but I still couldn’t shake the feeling that he was talking to someone else. So I go through his phone, (yes I know, classic jealous bitch move, but hey, I was worried and just needed peace of mind). He is still talking to his ex girlfriend. I read all the messages, it wasn’t anything sexual or even romantic in the slightest but I still was uncomfortable with it and asked him to stop. Fast forward May 2019. He has this friend that he loved with for a short period of time in high school due to his mother kicking him out early. We’ll call her Becca. Well, Becca, my husband, and his ex were all friends and they have more of a history than I know. I get on Facebook, and Becca sent me a friend request, I accept. The first thing on my timeline, is her new profile pic of her in her bra looking a little cute. So I was like, cute girl do ya thing, UNTIL I noticed that my husbands name was on the like bar. I WASNT SNOOPING, FB SET HIM UP LOL. So I kind of snapped, because it’s a little much for me to have my man liking a picture of a woman in her bra, regardless of who she is to him. So we got married in June 2019. Everything was great. I deleted my Snapchat in July because men were grossing me out and asking for nasty stuff, and instead of delete all 1000 of them off my friends list, I just deleted the app. My husband did the same, even though I told him that it was perfectly fine for him to keep Snapchat. I even asked him to download it back because I didn’t want him to feel like I was trying to control him or some shit. Well he has been working out of town since the end of September. I just found out 3 days ago that he has been downloading and deleting Snapchat every night since October 4. I logged into his Snapchat because I felt that he was hiding something and found out that he was talking to Becca, and two other girls. I snapped. Not because he was cheating. He didn’t cheat. I read every message because they were saved. I just snapped because he has been hiding it from me and then when I asked about it , he told me it wasn’t my business and that he didn’t want to talk about it. Well one of the girls, let’s call her Jenna, she was still messaging him and asking him to text and call her. So I called her myself. I just wanted to see what was going on. Well, she answered and when I asked why she wanted him to call and text her, she snapped on me calling me controlling and a bitch. Am I a bitch? Am I controlling? I feel like I keep getting lied to, and I feel like my marriage and myself were disrespected. She kept saying that I was only married for a few months and that it was barley a marriage and that I needed to calm down.

Am I in the wrong? Is my husband in the wrong? Where do I go from here? I feel like I can’t trust him to even be out of town without hiding something from me.