

So ivebeen with my boyfriend for about 10 months now however my relationship before was very toxic and sexually abusive at times. My boyfriend is so so lovely and I am completely 100% head over heals however my boyfriend will say a certain thing or do a certain thing and it gives me like a mini thought wave of my ex boyfriend and then I go like really weird and anxious because like the thought of him makes me feel sick then it’s like I get anxious and think omg why am I thinking of him am I thinking of him because I still love him what am I doing, when I know for a fact I don’t my minds just a very anxious place. I do not miss my ex boyfriend nor do I have any feelings for him so why do little snippets of situations make me think back to a horrible time of my life? I dont want to be reminded of him and I hate it I can’t listen to certain artists, songs etc because it takes me back to a horrible time and I really don’t know how to cope . Any advice would be really appreciated Thankyou x