Listen to your gut!


38 weeks today...last night I came down with a bad headache..along with some other symptoms like hot flashes and shakes. My husband said I didn't have a fever so I went onto bed. I felt ok as long as I was applying pressure to the left side of my head.. eventually I fell right to sleep and didn't even wake up until 5 am when I rolled over to my right side and holy moly! The left side of my head had shooting pains that started at the forehead and shot through to the back of my head. It was awful! Made me sick to my stomach. I got a cold cloth, it didn't matter.. Tylenol before I went to bed did nothing for me! So I went on to the recliner/sofa in my living room and eventually went back to sleep only through applying pressure on my left side.. around 9 I got up and my husband wanted me to call my doctor even though my 38 week appointment is scheduled for Thursday of this week and here if was Wednesday. My nurse asked for my symptoms... severe headache, shaky, dizzy and lightheaded at times..they told me to come on in. I figured I was being dramatic and I felt guilty for going since the doctor is an hour and half away from our house..but I'm thankful I did! My blood pressure wasn't awful, but definitely higher than urine showed traces of protein...they tested me for preeclampsia and thankfully I was in the clear for now..but they did tell me that my platelets are low and advised me to keep my appointment for tomorrow when I'll see my usual doctor. I know this wasn't a big deal, thankfully..but ladies listen to your gut! It could have been worse for me..I've been perfectly fine other than being anemic this whole pregnancy and now little things are starting to change...I'm thankful we went..I'm also in a bit of a shock since they were talking about sending me in to deliver and be induced tomorrow if I had in fact been diagnosed with preeclampsia... regardless it made things feel so real!!! It won't be long now. 😳😁🥰