Am I wrong for feeling like this? (Not a love question)

So my gparents are moving closer to where I, my aunt & uncle am which is great & I'm happy for them! The only thing that is overwhelming for me & I'm like annoyed about is that they're most likely moving next door, literally next door. I had to process that for a few hours😅 I have nothing to hide but I have a life, I see my bf on the weekends, and I do my own thing. My aunt & uncle have a life of their own too & we all have boundaries & respect each others space. I love my gparents but they ask questions, wanna know my whereabouts all the time, & are too curious for me lol it's too much at times. I thought they liked the little town that was 15-20 minutes away but nahh they wanna be next door lol any tips should help! Don't think I'm being rude & I do feel bad for thinking this way but like everyone needs space & privacy