Baby boy Wade Michael is here!


This was one of the most terrifying deliveries! It could’ve ended so I’ve been having minor contractions the last few days, dr decided to induce because I was going past my due date. Contractions were getting intense after just a few hours, pretty soon they were 1-2 minutes apart and I opted for an epidural, I dilated from a 5- 10cm in about 15 minutes. The nurse was getting the room ready for baby, then just rushed back in called for assistance from another nurse handed me an oxygen mask, I’m completely numb and they tell me to get on all 4s, and then more nurses come in and no ones telling me why! Finally they answer my husband, babies heart rate has dropped into the 50s and the monitor was only picking up my heart beat! He had dropped for about 12 minutes! My dr isn’t even at the hospital yet! So they go down the list of drs who are there and only one was available who had just gotten out of a csection for his own patient. He rushes in and I can’t feel anything and trying to not panic and push at the same time, he’s trying to vacuum baby out because he needed to come out now! NICU nurses are now rushing in, he finally came out not even 5 minutes later sunny side up, completely wrapped up in his cord and had a true knot in his cord as well. So the more intense that my contractions got and pushed him down the more pressure was being put on the cord causing the heart rate to drop. Thankfully he was breathing on his own and color came back quickly, it took a few tries to really get him to cry. And some how I only ended up with a minor perineal tear like 3-4 stitches maybe. His poor head looks sad from the vacuum but he’s healthy otherwise. He was pissed off at the bright lights lol he was also my smallest baby! I was shocked 7lbs 3 oz.