Induction update* 41+2


Yesterday had the cervadil inserted at 12:30pm. Got sent home at 2:30. Felt super crampy.

Called L&D around 6:30 as per them and gave the update. They said call if anything changes.

I had consistent cramping with back pain from 10PM-2am every 5 mins for 40seconds to 1 min.

Called L&D and they said it can just be false labour and or my body responding and dilating.

Felt/ feels like the worst WORST period cramps I’ve had in my life. Plus the urge to poo is so strong but my V feels on fire when I “push”. So that’s magical.

Had some pretty bad cramps through the night.

It’s now 8:15 and i feel the effects wearing off. Just some pressure.

My husband and I are going back around 11 prepped again and ready for anything as basically this was a failed induction and no labour started.

Do I feel discouraged. Sure. But I wasn’t exactly going into yesterday thinking “ ok my baby is coming”. I’m a realist!

So. Let’s hope I’ve dilated so I can start on pitocin and they don’t say I need a second round of cervadil cause man. The last 20 hours of cramping have been shit.

Thanks to anyone who reads this ! Just haven’t seen a story like mine posted in the group yet so trying to share.

Also baby is moving fine and I’ve been keeping hydrated and eating best I can.


Trying to stay positive but they took the cervadil out. I’m 0.5-1cm dilated and my cervix is high. Long. And posterior. They let us go for lunch and said come back in 2 hours to meet with the OB.

My husband and I are pretty discouraged. They said they can do up to 3 doses of cervadil but my concern is even if my cervix dilates enough.... will it drop from a posterior position? In 11 hours I’m 10 days overdue 😑