Low HCG Levels

Lindsay • Im 31 he’s 32 💑 MC 11*21*13- 03*22*19 -11*05*19 - 05*29*21👼 8 years TTC. 🌈baby born 03*16*22 💛

So my hubby and I finally got pregnant after five years of TTC!!!

I found out at 12 DPO, went for my first blood draw at 14 DPO (Tuesday) which was the day of my expected period. I know exactly when I ovulated based on a 12 hour window from temping and OPK’s (ovulated on Oct. 8th.)

The reason I’m concerned is because my beta HCG was only a 20. I have 46-50 day cycles so they’re going off of my LMP (which was Sept. 13th) and putting me at 6 weeks today, which is no way accurate. Once I told my midwife when I ovulated, she sounded a lot more optimistic and said I’m over 2 weeks behind what they’re assuming, which would put me at only 2 weeks past conception, and probably about 7 since implantation day!

I’m at the Lab for my 48 hour second blood draw right now, so if anybody has any encouraging words, I would really appreciate it!

We prayed and prayed for our little bean, and we want so badly for this to be viable!
