

I’m currently 6 weeks pregnant and a couple of weeks ago my partner and I started seeing a specialist as we’ve had 3 previous miscarriages, our doctor is the best woman I have ever met and she’s been with me all the way. On our first appointment she scanned me, she barely saw a pregnancy sac. She also did a pregnancy test which came up as a faint positive, she told us that she didn’t think that this pregnancy was going to go anywhere and I should probably expect the worst but she would keep seeing me every week and keep scanning me. She told me to wait a few day’s and take a pregnancy test if it was positive then she would see me and scan me. I tested and a strong strong positive line appeared within seconds. I called straight away and the next day I went and she scanned me. The pregnancy sac was bigger but there was nothing there. My heart sank I thought it was going to happen all over again. Our doctor told me that she would scan me a week later but if we didn’t see anything then we knew where my pregnancy was going to go. I left that room got into the car and I balled my eyes out. I tried to stay positive but when you’ve had 3 miscarriages positive isn’t something you can achieve very well! So yesterday the day of our scan comes. My partner and I take our daughter to school and we make our way to the hospital. We got there early so we went and had breakfast and a coffee, we made our way to the department, sat in the waiting room all the time my heart in my stomach, i feared the worst, my partner was being so supportive and tried to keep me positive. The doctor finally calls us in and I can see on her face that she felt the same as me, she didn’t think it was going to be good news either. We get in the room and she asks me how I’m feeling symptom wise and after a little talk she tells me she’ll scan me. So I lay there silently trying not to cry squeezing my partners hand, I looked over to the screen because I couldn’t help myself and I saw that the pregnancy sac had got bigger but I couldn’t see anything in there. I was just about to look away when the doctor smiled and said “do you see what I’m seeing?” She turned the screen and there was my little baby with its little heartbeat! Those tears I was silently trying to hold back came out in full force but this time they were happy! Our doctor got teary too! Lol after the scan was finished and I got off the bed she gave me a hug and told us how happy she was. I know at 6 weeks I’m not out of the woods yet! She’s put my progesterone for the next 7 weeks in hopes that it will keep baby happy and healthy in there growing strong and she wants to see me in 2 weeks to scan me again. I’m still scared of..... well everything lol but after seeing my tiny little baby yesterday I feel something I’ve never felt before.... hope.