6th baby, first home birth! A Doulas natural birth experience!

It started at 40 weeks and 2 days, the longest I have ever been pregnant, and this was baby number 6. I’d had 3 due date babies (without induction) and 2 early babies (one induction, one after 6 weeks of bed rest at 39 weeks). Needless to say, no one expected me to go past my due date and on day two after my due date, I was OVER IT! Lol!
So, I woke up with plans to take a castor oil dose. I’d been having intermittent contractions irregularly for 6 days, so I expected the castor oil to work perfectly at this point.
NOTE- I’m a trained Doula and know how to properly use castor oil, not to induce labor, but to kickstart a sporadic early labor.
So, I woke up around 8:30 on the 14th having those painful but sporadic contractions again. I decided not to sit down but keep moving as I figured that maybe that was what was keeping my labor from progressing. I kept getting tired and laying down to conserve energy but I would wake up with the contractions having stopped.
We went to Walmart and took our time doing some grocery shopping. The whole time, I’m noticing those regular but irregular contractions. We went home, I took my first of two castor oil doses around 9:30 and started cleaning my house from top to bottom. I was either standing or on all fours but I cleaned EVERYTHING!
At around 1 in the afternoon I took my second castor oil dose and at that point I was noticing regular contractions but they weren’t painful at all. I continued cleaning and at 2:30 I was really starting to feel them pickup and get stronger. At this point, I went to the bathroom and noticed a slightly pink discharge which was the beginning of my mucus plug (I usually don’t start to lose it until I’m in full blown labor) so at this point I knew it was go time.
I decided to keep the momentum going and my mom and I took my 3 youngest to the park. We got there and it was only a few minutes before I realized they were getting stronger and were now about 5 minutes apart. We made it 20 minutes before we headed back home. They were strong enough that I could barely breathe through them and sitting in the car at that point was painful!
When we got home, I called my Doula and midwife to let them know it was time. My midwife could tell by how I was breathing that it was the real thing so she got in the car and headed our way.
Fast forward to about an hour and a half later and the contractions had gotten so painful that I was in tears. I couldn’t sit down, I had thrown up and had a bowel movement and was starting to shake uncontrollably. I hadn’t realized it then, but those were all signs of transition.
The whole birth team was there by this time and my midwife asked if I wanted to be checked. I did! I was 9 cm, stretchy and nearly complete.
I was shocked! It didn’t feel like I was that far along at all but I should have known because every time my husband tried to squeeze my hips during a contraction, I was screaming! Which meant that babies head was too far into my pelvis for relief from counter pressure.
Now, the midwife said it was time to get into the birth pool, and OMG did it feel amazing!!! We already had my home birth playlist playing on the stereo and the mood was relaxed and calm.
After about 30 minutes, I felt my body start pushing and I started breathing baby out with deep and loud grunts while my team watched. My husband was behind me the entire time, guiding my breathing and preparing to deliver our son. I felt my water burst just before babies head popped out but the baby was stuck. Unfortunately, he had his arms behind his back which meant his shoulders were stuck in my pelvis. This made it necessary for the midwife to step in and maneuver him out.
After only 37 minutes in the birth pool, we were holding our baby boy, sixth child and second son in our arms!
Pharaoh-Omari Alexander was born at 7:11 p.m. on October 14th, 2019. Only one of our kids was awake to watch the whole thing!
2 hours later and the entire birth team left and we were able to relax with our new baby for the night!
This was my second natural birth but first home birth and it was the best experience I’d ever had! I can’t wait to do it again!

3 days old!

One week old!
Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.