fuck you

for months on end we used to talk everyday and stay up late eventhough we both had to wake up early

you told me everything about your day and we became really close

you told me stuff no one knew and you told me stuff i wanted to hear

and i now realize that's all it was. just telling me what i wanted to hear, not the truth

you made me so fucking happy after being the most miserable i've ever been and it created this bond, because unlike every body else, you were there for me and talked to me and complimented me

then you just stopped. i tried so hard for you but you didn't even tell me when you were in town. i asked you so many times and you straight up lied.

every now and then you come back and reel me in and i fucking hate that i fall for it every time. i tell myself im done but i almost can't resist you.

you disappear and don't answer any of my texts even though i see you're active, and decide to come back again?

fuck you for making me feel so special and treating me like im nothing, right after