
I’ve the last 2 years I have had a natural pregnancy that ended up being ectopic. During that pregnancy the drs performed a d&c determine location and the d&c was negative for pregnancy so it was diagnosed ectopic and methotrexate given. Fast forward 3 months no period so I went to my ob who had been telling me it could take 4-6 weeks then 6-8 to 90 days for my period to come back. I demanded answer so they decided to do a povera challenge. I ended up getting period symptoms really severe cramping but not bleeding. Finally was referred to a reproductive endocrinologist and was diagnosed with low ovarian reserve and found out my d&c causes Asherman’s Syndrome (scaring of the uterus). The dr recommended we do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> to bank embryos because she didn’t know how long/how many surgeries it would take to fix my uterus. 1 and half rounds of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> later I got 3 wonderful frozen embryos. Next step surgery. I go for surgery and I wake up and ask my husband how’d it go. He breaks down crying telling me not good. We were told my uterus was so badly scared they couldn’t even get in passed my cervix. They told me my only option was surrogacy and that in order to not be in excruciating pain every month I’d just need to go on nonstop birth control until menopause (mind you I was 26 years old). Got a second opinion from a doctor who is specialist in treating ashermans and one surgery later my uterus is cleared of scaring and I’m cleared to do embryo transfer. First embryo transfer done was unsuccessful so hubby and I decided we needed a break from everything. First month taking a break we get pregnant naturally ( we were told it wasn’t possible). 4 days after finding out we were pregnant I began miscarrying. Heartbroken all over again. Specialist was worried that scaring had return so surgery I went again which indeed show a small amount of scaring. I was told to do an embryo transfer right away to avoid scaring again. 3 months and 2 cancelled embryo transfer cycle I finally made it transfer. 6 days after transfer I found out it worked I was pregnant! My beta hcg was rising as it should my first ultrasound went well showed baby measuring g where he should. 1 week later for a follow up ultrasound I’m given the devastating news “your baby stopped growing.” After all of this loss I asked my dr to give me time off from work (I worked through my other miscarriages as a postpartum and neonatal icu nurse) my fertility dr said I’d have to go to my primary to request the leave. I went to my primary who made me feel worse. Told me I should look into surrogacy or adoption and just stop trying. If it’s meant to happen it’ll happen if not then not. Then said I shouldn’t need more than a week off because most people return to work a week after miscarriage. I’ve had 3 losses this year alone. Feeling so down and heartbroken. Sorry for the long story but needed to vent out my story. I pray we all get our miracles!