urgent help with discipline !!!!

Fatima • 💍married to the love of my life 29....first baby girl👶🏻Naya*bday: may18

my daughter is a 17 months and is driving me crazy when i was over seas in my own house she would listen to me everytime i say no i wouldnt even have to yell at her at all she was such a wonderful child people used to always say wow ur so lucky with her but now im in the states at my parents house they spoil her way to much and now she doesnt listen to me at all i say no and she keeps doing what shes doing and starts to whine when i yell at her bc she knows that theres my parents are backing her out so she now doesnt listen to me at all i really wanna change this b4 i lose her completely and i domt wanna lose her helpppp how can i discipline her correctly that she would not hate me too ?????