Born on my husbands 40th Birthday - Not the birth I expected but he’s here 💙


When I found out I was pregnant my due date was calculated to be the 6th of September. My husband and I joked that he’d be sharing his birthday with our baby, not thinking it would actually happen 😂

I was booked in to be induced on Tuesday 17th September but I awoke on the Saturday morning at 6am with mild contractions and a show. My husband was in work so I didn’t want to bother him until I was sure. Sure enough, contractions were lasting and getting stronger (or so I thought 🙈😂) so he got away from work and headed to the hospital.

Got to hospital where I was examined. I was only 3cm and they wouldn’t admit me until I was 4cm. She offered to do a membrane sweep and send me home which I accepted. When I stood up to get dressed things ramped up, contractions were a million times stronger and I had 6 within 10mins so I told my husband to go tell the midwife I was staying put 😂

Because I was only 3cm she told me to go a walk and come back in an hour 🤦🏼‍♀️ It took me 20mins to get to the reception of the hospital because of the contractions, I got there and ended up on my hands and knees having a contraction, waters breaking and throwing up all at the one time (while everyone walked by me staring) 🙈 Ladies when you go to give birth you leave your dignity at the door of the hospital 😂

Eventually got back to the room and they admitted me to a delivery room. Things progressed really quickly and my body was automatically starting to push. The midwife told me if I felt I needed to push just to do it?! I hadn’t even been reexamined 🤷🏼‍♀️

I got to the stage where I wasn’t getting a break with contractions so asked for an epidural so she said she’d examine me to see where we were at. I was 10cm and remember thinking “ Oh💩! I’ve left it too late”

Anyway they gave me diamorphine and went for a break as in their words, I was going to “deliver really quickly” so they wanted to get their break before I did.

This lovely midwife came in to look after me and I thought “This is my chance!!”. You know that way when you’ve had quite a lot to drink and you’re trying to act sober?...Well this was me 😂

I asked the midwife to go in the birthing pool because the morphine hadn’t worked. She was hesitant at first but because I was so alert she let me 🙈 Big mistake 😂 My husband was constantly shouting my name to try and wake me up and I ruined about 5 mouthpieces drowning the gas and air in the pool 🙈

So anyway I’d been pushing for what felt like forever but nothing was happening. The pool slowed down everything so I had to come out and go on a bed.

Baby was starting to get distressed and it turns out he was stuck so next minute there were about 15 people in the room with me. They told me they were going to have to do an episiotomy and forceps and at this point I just wanted the pain to stop so they took me to theatre to do it. It turns out even that wouldn’t have helped as he was totally stuck (made me feel a bit better as it wasn’t that I wasn’t pushing hard enough) so I had to have an emergency caesarean.

If I hadn’t went in the pool he would have been born before midnight but it wasn’t meant to be.

Harrison James Frame, 8lb 1. Born on his daddy’s 40th Birthday and we couldn’t be happier 💙