You were here

You were here

A positive pregnancy test

The lines so dark

I felt nothing but confidence

We told our parents

A second grandchild is on the way

But I still didn't feel pregnant

No symptoms

Was my Baby okay?

I told my boss because

Around this time with my first

I was so nauseous and hormonal

But this time I felt nothing


But every pregnancy is different?

We started planning

For two under two

There was so much we needed

But we were overjoyed

Our daughter will have a sibling

And they'll be thick as thieves

Only seventeen months apart

The perfect gap it seemed

A week after we found out

I started to bleed

Just a little

But it didn't feel right

We went to the hospital

After what felt like an eternity

We saw that little heartbeat

Fluttering away

We cried

Our Baby was okay

Everything looks fine she said

Then they sent us home

We tried to reassure ourselves

By reading all we could

Did you know if they see

That little fluttering heartbeat

Your Baby has

A ninety percent chance

Of being okay?

I woke in the middle of the night




I knew what this meant

My Baby

Wasn't in that ninety percent

I stayed in bed for an eternity

Too scared to get up

Too scared to pee

Why was my body

Trying to kill my Baby?

Back up to the hospital

More blood tests

And waiting

Then they finally confirmed

I was having a miscarriage

My little Baby

With that fluttering heartbeat

Was gone


You were here

There was a ninety percent chance

Our odds were good

But not good enough, I guess

We were sent home

To wait and see

I was constantly afraid

Of what I might see

I wasn't afraid of the pain

Because nothing could hurt more

Than knowing that you

Weren't here anymore

You were here

But I only knew it for a week

That week felt like a lifetime

And I guess, in a way

It was