Life has fallen apart

I was recently diagnosed with depression, anxiety disorder, and PTSD.  My husband (2nd marriage) and I have been together for 4 years and married for 17 months. We've been having issues for the last 6 or 7 months now and I've recently had to break the news to him that I'm not in love with him anymore.  I've been in emergency services for the last 16 years and some of my issues stem from that however my first marriage 10 years ago was very abusive and when I finally left him I was traumatized I didn't talk about it and pushed everything away. I never told my current husband anything pertaining to what happened and that is a lot of our issues.  We are in therapy now and have decided to divorce after the first of the year. We have no children, although we were TTC we have stopped and are basically living as roommates now. Sorry for the long post. Just needed to talk about it as it's the first step to healing.