Did anyone have an unusual labor or delivery?


I haven’t thought about it in a while, but I’m still amazed by how mine went. I guess it isn’t all that unusual, but I’m a worrier and was convinced something would go very wrong. I was dilated to a 4.5 at 36 weeks. My water broke at 38 weeks and when I got to the hospital, I was at a 6 without contractions. The ladies at the front desk laughed at me when I said my water broke 4 hours before I got there because I was acting 100% normal. I was started on pitocin so contractions would start and baby was born an hour later. He was out in 2 pushes. My toddler was with us because no one was able to make it in time. He had to go out into the hall with nurses when it was time to push and I was sooo stressed out for him to be with strangers. He was having a great time being pulled around in his wagon though 😂