Brothers pt.26

Liam sighed & regained focus.

James: I’ll take this side & you take that side.

Liam: Meet you in the middle.

As they searched for the best dressed bum, they stumbled upon empty tents, many of them were asleep, some were gathered smoking. James finally reached a tent & heard moaning in it. He opened it & saw 2 people having oral sex & the male was wearing a suit top. The man was sitting with his legs open & the woman’s head was between his legs.

James: Hey!

Bum: Get your own tent!

James: Sorry... sorry...

James shut the tent flap & stood outside. He couldn’t believe what he had just walked in on.

James: I just had a question for you!

Bum: Let me finish first!

A minute later, he heard both of them climax & then the lady left the tent. The man came out half naked. Liam has finished his side & found nothing so he came over to join James.

Bum: Yes, you had a question.

James: Sorry about earlier... I just needed to know where you got your suit.

Bum: Oh, well this one is probably from the Men’s Wearhouse.

James: Ok, but who gave it to you.

Bum: That’s what you mean... Well it was from a young fella’ earlier today.

James: Tell me all you know about him.

Bum: I don’t know his name, but he seemed scared. I was sober then so I do remember everything else. He said he needed to get rid of his clothes & hide from the cops. He paid me in cash too. He actually left this phone in the pocket. He wasn’t too smart of a kid. He also mumbled something about not being paid enough to assault the girl. Anyways, I hope you guys found what you’re looking for.

Liam: Thanks, man.

Bum: It’s Frank.

James: Thanks, Frank.

They paid him off after he gave all the information he knew. Liam also paid him off in condoms. Frank was happy & his day was made. They got back to the car & even if their search wasn’t over they were closer to finding him. They contemplated handing over the info to the cops, but knew their own mission would immediately get shut down. They continued driving into the night for more answers. Next thing was to unlock the phone.